The Nomos of the Earth by Carl Schmitt
The Nomos of the Earth Carl Schmitt ebook
Language: English
Page: 0
Format: pdf
ISBN: 0914386301, 9780914386308
Publisher: Telos Press Publishing
Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) is one of the greatest German legal and political thinkers of the 20th century. Most of his fame stems from works published during the 1920s, e.g.,
Political Romanticism (1919), his study of dictatorship (
Die Diktatur, 1922),
Political Theology (1922),
The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy (1923), his critical analysis of the Weimar Constitution (
Verfassungslehre, 1928), and writings in which he attempted to save the Weimar Republic (
Der Hueter der Verfassung, 1931, and
Legalitaet und Legitimitaet, 1932). He is best known for
The Concept of the Political (1927 and 1932), where he dealt with the state's loss of its monopoly of politics, and argued that the essence of the political lies in the distinction between friend and enemy. Less known are Schmitt's works written during the 1930s and 1940s, among them his consideration of three types of juridical thinking (
Ueber die drei Arten des rechtswissenschaftlichen Denkens, 1934),
The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes (1938), his analysis of the concept of
Grossraum in international law, based on the Monroe Doctrine (
Voelkerrechtliche Grossraumordnung mit Interventionsverbot fuer raumfremde Maechte,1939), and
The Nomos
of the Earth (1950). Later works, such as
Theory of the Partisan (1963), which analyzed the emergence of a new type of warfare based around non-state actors, have become increasingly relevant in the age of global terrorism.
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